Friday, September 14, 2018

Release Blitz for The Redirection of Damien Sinclair by Nancee Cain.

Title: The Redirection of Damien Sinclair
A Pine Bluff Novel, Book 4
Author: Nancee Cain
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: September 14, 2018


Sometimes you get what you need.

Damien Sinclair has witnessed more than his share of love's ugly aftermath—first as a child of quarreling parents and these days as an acclaimed divorce attorney. His solution? Control. From his immaculate, organized penthouse to his monochromatic wardrobe to his refusal to let anyone get too close, Damien is master of all he sees… Or so he thinks. Then an attempt on his life leaves him struggling with PTSD.

Free-spirited Harley Taylor, Damien’s childhood friend and a one-time fling, arrives on his doorstep, having appointed herself his caregiver. She’s his polar opposite and hell bent on redirecting his life. And if somehow that life might expand to include her for the long term, even better. Either way, the man needs to learn not to take himself so seriously. If that involves a prank or two, so be it.

Interacting for the first time in a decade, Harley and Damien find their attraction still smoldering. But to what end? Is Harley the shot of color Damien needs to disperse the black cloud that plagues him? Or are they destined to destroy each other all over again?

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Author Bio

During the day, Nancee works as a counselor/nurse in the field of addiction to support her coffee and reading habit. Nights are spent writing paranormal and contemporary romances with a serrated edge. Authors are her rock stars, and she’s been known to stalk a few for an autograph, but not in a scary, Stephen King way. Her husband swears her To-Be-Read list on her e-reader qualifies her as a certifiable book hoarder. Always looking to try something new, she dreams of being an extra in a Bollywood film, or a tattoo artist. (Her lack of rhythm and artistic ability may put a damper on both of these dreams.)

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