Friday, September 28, 2018

Release Blitz for Over Hard by Jessa York.

Title: Over Hard
Series: Santa Lena Sizzles Duet #2
Author: Jessa York
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: September 28, 2018


Love looks easy, but it’s harder than you think…

Done.  Harper is done with men.  They’re too complicated, frustrating—and dangerous.  After a run-in with her ex-husband, Harper ends all contact with her boyfriend, Jack, the one man who stole her heart.

But when Jack and Harper are thrown together to help a friend, all her old feelings reignite.  Torn between closing herself off and her desire to understand his life and choices, Harper delves into his world.  Jack’s past may complicate things even more.  Will Harper see that the payoff is greater than the risk?

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Author Bio

Jessa lives in a very non-descript, unassuming town filled with the best kind of people. Most days, she can be found in the stands of various soccer fields, cheering her on Youngest, or discussing books with her Oldest (who is an English Honors student).

At night, if she’s not up burning the midnight oil, Jessa enjoys snuggling up to her hubby and watching his latest pick for a cheesy romance movie. He always chooses the best ones. (after he cooks supper, of course)

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