Saturday, March 20, 2021

Series Blitz for A Dark & Dirty Sinners' MC Series by Serena Akeroyd.

Series: A Dark & Dirty Sinners' MC
Author: Serena Akeroyd
Genre: MC Romance


They're dark.
They're dirty.
They're SINNERS.
But for all their sins, once they've met the women they claim as theirs, no hurdle is too small, no battle too large, as they ride into hell itself to protect those they love.
Welcome to West Orange, NJ.
Things are about to get nasty...



He’s dark.
A brother in the Satan’s Sinners’ MC.
Everything Mom told me to avoid.
Everything I shouldn’t want.
But his dark, his dirty, and his dangerous are like catnip to me.
He stirs fear into the hearts of men, but I hear his rage. I feel it like it’s my own.
He’s a killer. Shameless. Some might even call him a psycho.
I just call him soul mate.
We were born to raise hell together, born to make sick b*stards pay for their sins, born to be the king and queen of darkness…
Now, the king just needs to get that memo.

NYX is the first book in the ten-book ‘A Dark & Dirty Sinners’ MC’ series.
It is not a standalone.


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He’s rough.
He’s ready.
I’m neither.
I’m a sacrificial lamb just waiting to be slaughtered.
A socialite spawned by a sadist whose life’s work is to cause misery in others.
My life is a prison cell, until he helps me find the key.
He’s not as dark or as dirty as they say he is.
His roughness stirs something in me.
Something primal.
Something no socialite should crave.
He’s a brother in an MC, a world that should be alien to me but somehow, it’s my first real home. It has rules and regulations that make no sense to me, but one thing is clear:
Society princesses and MC brothers aren’t a match made in heaven.
But I’m fine with ruling over hell instead…

LINK is the second book in the ten-book ‘A Dark & Dirty Sinners’ MC’ series.
It is not a standalone.



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He’s a manwhore.
The first time I see him, he’s wiping another woman’s juices off his mouth.
He should repel me.
Instead, he’s a challenge. A game I want to win.
It starts off as just sex. What else would he be good for?
But we both catch feelings.
Then, somehow, the sex becomes something more.
And then I lose everything.
I’m toppled from my ‘society princess’ throne as my family is torn to shreds. My socialite circle abandons me. I’m lost, alone, but my dark knight doesn’t forsake me in my hour of need.
I never believed in soul mates.
Not until him.
Not until he rode into my life; blood on his fists, rage in his eyes, and vengeance in his heart.
I never knew my Prince Charming would ride a hog.
I’ll take that over a castle any day…

SIN is the third book in the ten-book ‘A Dark & Dirty Sinners’ MC’ series.
It is not a standalone.



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He was my first crush.
My first love.
But he broke my heart.
He tore us apart so brutally that an ocean, never mind a state line, wasn’t enough distance between us.
But for all he ruined me, I still love him.
Despite the women and the lies, it never died, but that didn’t mean I’d take his BS and roll over for him…

Some people are destined to find danger wherever they go…

When disaster strikes, he’s the first person I think of. I know he’ll save me. I know, despite everything, despite the arguments and the bitterness, he’ll find me.
I just never imagined that my being in danger would be what broke him.
But the road to redemption is long.
He’ll have to work hard to make me his.
Let the fun begin…

STEEL is the fourth book in the ten-book ‘A Dark & Dirty Sinners’ MC’ series.
It is not a standalone.



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