Sunday, April 19, 2020

Release Blitz for Havoc by S.S. Richards.

Title: Havoc
Author: S.S. Richards
Genre: Dark Romantic Suspense
Release Date: April 16, 2020


I changed my name and my identity. I swore he’d never find me. 

I thought I had planned it well.

Until he showed up in the middle of the day – tall, handsome and powerful.

It took me three years to build myself up from scratch, cut everybody off and build a life that has nothing to do with my past. 

And it took him one day to destroy everything I’d built.

My disappearance caused the people of my town to come up with their own stories about me. But most importantly, it caused Daniel to wreak havoc. 

This is a full length standalone dark romantic suspense.

Purchase Links


Free in Kindle Unlimited

Author Bio

As a young teenager, S.S. Richards started creating imaginary friends and could invent a story in her head within a matter of seconds. A gift that lead her into believing she may be “super talented” after all. One day she decided to open her laptop and start feeding words into it, and that’s where it all begun. She decided to make a career out of writing.
She also loves to hear from readers.
Feel free to email her at:

Author Links

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