Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Cover Reveal for Blade by Mandy Harbin.

Title: Blade
Series: The Bang Shift #3
Author: Mandy Harbin
Genre: Romantic Suspense
Cover Design: Najla Qamber
Release Date: May 19, 2020


When love stabs you in the heart…

Braxton “Blade” Young learned the importance of carrying a knife growing up in the swamps of Louisiana. As a member of the Bang Shift, he carries something a little louder now, but he’s never without his shiv. An added protection. A constant reminder. Fixing cars and carrying out contracts don’t help quiet the ghosts of his past anymore, and random women are out. There’s only one he wants, and she haunts him in a completely different way, taunting him with what he cannot have. She’s an FBI agent. He’s a mercenary. Sure, everyone has demons. His are just covered in blood.

Ahhh regrets. FBI agent Anna Sue Fisher has her fair share, and sleeping with Blade while on assignment ranks right up there. He’s a notorious playboy who lives on the shady side of the law. A heartbreak waiting to happen. But her determination to keep her distance is crushed when her boss sends her back to the Bang Shift on another case. Only this time, she won’t just be working with the devastatingly handsome man, she’ll be investigating him, too.

Dark family secrets. The sharpest betrayals. Alligators aren’t the only dangerous things lurking within the blades of grass of the bayou.

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Chapter One

He knew it was a dream.
Blade’s sister had been dead fifteen years, but she stood there before him, the scent of lavender as much of a ghost as she was. He never understood why a seventeen-year-old girl wanted to smell like flowers, but Brenna surely did. Maybe it had been her fascination with the color purple that led to her floral obsession. She had always gravitated toward anything sporting shades of dark pink through magenta. He hadn’t had a problem with that. He never did care for the smell, though.
And now it—those scents of lavender and blood—haunted his dreams, his sister’s lifeless body standing there as she stared off into nothing, rather than resting on the gurney as he remembered seeing her when he came to identify her remains. This recurring dream used to freak him out, but now he knew when he’d wake up, he’d instantly miss the morbid sight. Not because he wanted to relive that day, rather he knew these fleeting moments were all he’d ever have of her again.
“Where’s Jeremiah?”
He knew his sister was going to ask that, because she always did.
His answer never deviated. “In Hell.”
“Was it you?” she asked as tears welled in her lifeless eyes. Blade was glad she didn’t look at him. It would tear his heart out every time he dreamed about her.
“Yes,” he said without emotion. That sonofabitch had killed his baby sister. Of course he’d hurt him. He’d made him bleed out of many holes.
Her scream was bloodcurdling, and Blade bolted upright in his bed before he awakened fully. He blinked into the darkness and groaned at the sudden throbbing headache as the dream’s intensity subsided.
“Damn tequila,” he muttered as he tossed the sheets off him. Oh, he couldn’t blame the dream on the alcohol, but the pickaxe pounding into his skull he could. He rubbed his face a

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