Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Cover Reveal for Capturing Her by Jessika Klide.

Title: Capturing Her
Series: Siri's Heart #13
Author: Jessika Klide
Genre: Romantic Suspense
Cover Design: Jessika Klide
 Release Date: TBA


International entertainer, Siri Wright walks away from her dancing gig as the headlining stripper “Seary” at Been Jammin’s Gentleman’s Club in Vegas. Although, she isn’t walking away from the spotlight entirely. Having signed a contract to be the star in a new Cirque du Soleil show, the now Mrs. Maximus Aurelius Moore knows she is living a life other people only dream of. 

But celebrity status comes with a target on your back, and Sin City is a dangerous place to live. Nearly losing Siri once, Aurei decides they will reside in Alabama and commute back and forth to Vegas when she performs.

Living at home in Alabama, the newlyweds are lulled into a false sense of security. Unbeknownst to them, Aurei’s stalker has suffered a psychotic break and turns her delusional obsession to have Aurei, onto Siri.

Find out what happens as the insanity unfolds in this fast-paced, action-packed, romantic suspense, standalone thriller by Amazon Bestselling Author, Jessika Klide.

The twist and turns will shock you! The love and devotion will humble you! The ending will have you gasping for breath!

Capturing Her is a MUST READ! A guaranteed binge book you won’t be able to put down. Preorder now! When it hits retailers, you don’t want to be avoiding spoilers, because EVERYONE will be talking about Capturing Her!


Pre-order Links




My phone goes off as Siri and I enter the parking garage. It is Brutus, her bodyguard. I pause letting her go ahead as I lift it and answer. “Moore here.”
“Good morning. Are you on the move yet?” He asks.
“Affirmative.” I answer as Siri walks to the car with her perfect ass twitching from side to side.
“You haven’t told her, have you?”
He chuckles. “She’s with you?”
“Affirmative.” I tell him as I watch Siri stop at the car and look back at me. I give her a head nod, and she waits, knowing I want to open her door for her.
“She’s going to flip out, you know.”
I chuckle at that. “That’s affirmative.”
“I hate I can’t be there to see her reaction. Video it if you can.”
"I will."
“Billy is expecting you.”
“Thanks, man.”
“No problem. Have a safe trip back to Alabama.”
“I’ll give you a heads up when her rehearsal schedule is confirmed and we will return.”
“Sounds good. In the meantime, I’ll make sure her security detail is trained and ready to go when her show starts.”
“Perfect. Call if you need anything.”
“Will do.”
“Moore, out here." I smile at my girl, my wife, my Wild Thang as I end the call and walk to the car. She’s one of a kind that’s for damn sure. To think that just a few days ago, she was fighting for her life at the hands of a drug addict…. I shake the thoughts of what could have happened out of my mind. They didn’t and that’s all that matters now. It was just a fluke thing. She was at the wrong place at the wrong time. She kept her cool, came out of it unharmed, and bounced back. Last night’s farewell performance as Seary proved that. She brought the house down! The out pouring of love and respect from her fans was proof that what I knew the first time I laid eyes on her was true. I recognized a gifted and talented dancer before me who moved with the elegance and poise of someone who should be dancing on a larger, grander scale. She was perfection in motion and now she’s about to step into the role of a lifetime. She’s going to be the star of Whitney Houston’s, I Will Always Love You, Cirque du Soleil show and she’s going to kill it!
Watching me approach her, she smiles so sweetly at me. To be such a tough girl, she’s so utterly sweet to her core. She loves everyone and doesn’t judge anyone. I’m so thankful I found her. She’s the light of my life. Until her, I lived in a state of hopelessness. Never believing I could love like others. My military bros nailed my call name Hard-Core. I was hard. Hard to my core. But this sweet Alabama girl changed all that. Siri Wright rescued me and I love her more than life itself. I don’t know what I would have done if anything would have happened to her.
Patiently waiting for me to open her door because I insist she let me, she flirts, devouring me with her twinkling eyes. Sex is always on her mind, and her hunger for me is insatiable. Fuck, I love that about her too. I can give her everything I have and she takes it all. She’s one hell of a woman.
I slide my arms around her and pull her curves against me. She tips her face to mine, puckering her lips wanting my kiss.    I place my lips on hers, knowing she’s going to be ecstatic with the security solution Brutus and I agreed was idea for her. She will be protected 24/7. No matter if we are in Vegas, Alabama, or Italy.
She’s smacks my lips and I let her go. I just have to keep her safe for the next year. When I open her door, she slides silently in, and I wait as she straps her seatbelt on. Then I walk around the front of the car and she hits the horn, making me jump. I roll my eyes. I should have expected that.
When I open the drivers door, she’s giggling at me. I get in, lean over, and get another peck from her playful lips. That’s my girl. Always happy. Enjoying life to the fullest. “I’m glad you’re in such a good mood.”
She grins wickedly back at me and says, “I’m feeling feisty.”
“Oh, snap.” I grin as I crank the car and back out.
When I pull onto the highway and head to the address Brutus sent, she asks. “What’s on the schedule today?”
“First, we have an appointment to pick out your new security system. A gun was a good idea, but obviously, it isn’t practical for you. Brutus and I agree you need something that is visibly a deterrent and you need to take it everywhere you go.”
She nods, knowing we have her back. Then her phone rings. She looks at it, then at me. Her eyes are big as saucers. “It’s Mama.”
I laugh as it keeps ringing and she simply stares at it. “Better answer it, Baby Thang.”
She raises it and says, “Hey Mama.”
For the next few minutes, I hear Siri give her mother and father the live version of the video we recorded and sent them announcing we were married. She tells them again who I am, how we met, that we love each other, and that yes, we are officially married. She grins at the dashboard and says, “Yes ma’am. I can’t breathe without him. You were right.” Then she grins at me and says, “Yes, he’s Zita and Bob’s boy.” She laughs, “Yes, ma’am. We will be home when you get there. We’ll talk about the celebration then. Okay. Love you too. Give each other a big hug from me. See ya soon.”
When she lowers the phone, she says, “They’ll be home at the end of next week.”
“Perfect,” I grin and know without any doubt she is totally okay with making our home in Alabama.
“So, this new security system … is it a taser or what?"
"Or what."
She smirks. “Oh, that’s how you’re going to play this?”
I laugh. “Affirmative. I want you going in completely open minded without any preconceived ideas.”
She puckers her lips. “You enjoy making me wait, don’t you?”
I laugh, “Yes.”
She pretends to growl at me. “You rascal. How far away are we?”
“About fifteen minutes. You can wait that long.”
She waits about two before she asks, “Can I assume it’s new technology then?”
“This particular model has only been on the market about 8 weeks."
“Wow. That’s not very long.” I hit the right turn signal, and she looks in that direction. “Does it come in different colors?”
“James will be upset if I have to wear something that doesn’t match perfectly with his costume designs.” She cuts her eyes at me. “James is very picky.”
“Trust me,” I smile. “James will be fine with whatever you choose.”
She sits in silence for another few minutes, looking around at  all the houses in the residential neighborhoods we are driving though, then asks, “Are you lost?”
“No, I know exactly where I am.” I grin. “As a matter of fact, I own about twenty houses in this subdivision.”
“Oh.” She perks up and starts to pay more attention now. “Does Kip manage them for you?”
“Yes, he and Bianca.”
“They are an interesting couple.”
“They’ve been with me for years.”

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