Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Series Blitz for The False Series by Meli Raine.

Title: False Memory
Series: The False Series #1
Author: Meli Raine
Genre: Romantic Suspense
Narrators: Andi Arndt & Sebastian York
Release Date: August 15, 2019


It all started with the bereavement flowers with my name on them.

Not the best way to wake up, right? I work in a flower shop. I know a funeral arrangement when I see one.

I know a killer when I see one, too. And one is standing in my hospital room right now, straight behind the man who saved my life.

I can’t tell anyone the truth, because that’s the fastest way to really die. So I do the next best thing. I “lose” my memory.

I fake my amnesia.

Pretending not to remember a brutal attempted murder has its perks. The killer is backing down, spending less time around me, loosening the noose.

The less I claim to recall, the more my rescuer, Duff, works to help me “remember.” I hate lying to him.

But he doesn’t understand that my memory is dangerous. To me. And to him.

Fooling everyone isn’t easy. It’s the hardest thing I’ve ever done.

Except it’s starting to look like I’ve been fooling myself.

In more ways than one.

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Mom rushes into the room, moving the man aside, her face coming so close, my eyes losing focus. I want to look at her. Want to beg her to make him leave. Want to yell and scream and claw my way out of this bed to get away.
“Lily! Lily! It’s Mommy. I’m here, sweetie. I’m here.” Her hand goes to mine, clasping it like she has a million times before.
This time, I squeeze. I will it. I close my eyes and send the full force of the universe’s sense of mercy into one impulse, one set of muscle fibers, one aching, desperate movement.
“TOM!” Mom gasps. “She squeezed my hand! Lily, did you squeeze my hand on purpose? Do it once for yes, twice for no!”
I squeeze once.
“Oh, Lord, thank you!” Mom babbles, tears rolling down her face, splattering on my cheek, stinging where the tape pulls my skin. “Squeeze twice if you want to see Daddy!”
Squeeze squeeze.
“She’s awake ! She’s coming out of it! My Lily is waking up!” Mom shouts. “We have to tell everyone! We have to keep her awake. Tom! Doctor! Help!”
I look behind her. A crew of white lab coats has appeared, jabbering. And next to them, the man in dark clothes. I know I can squeeze.
I know it is light. I know it is.
I know something else, too.
I know who that man is.
Because that is the man who shot me in the head.
The man who wants me dead.
And his eyes are staring right into my soul.

Title: False Hope
Series: The False Series #2
Author: Meli Raine
Genre: Romantic Suspense
Narrators: Andi Arndt & Sebastian York
Release Date: August 31, 2019


She thinks she’s fooled me. But I’ve known all along.


Lily is hiding something, a secret so big, she came out of a year-long coma and her first instinct was to lie.

Who does that? Someone who is afraid. No—not afraid.

Terrified. And it’s my job to take that fear away.

My partner and I have spent countless man-hours hunting down the cold-blooded killer who did this to her. Meanwhile, Lily’s spent her waking hours recovering. Getting stronger. Getting smarter.

Staying beautiful.

Never get involved emotionally. That’s my dictate. Never get attached.

When you realize you’re caught in a triangle, it turns out there is no exit.

Crossing a line is easy. Holding a line takes strength.

Lily’s shooter knows that she’s my weakness.

And he’s about to exploit that by breaking a line and escaping, claiming a hostage in the process.

One I have to get back.

No matter what it takes.

False Hope is book 2 in the False trilogy by USA Today bestselling author Meli Raine.

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