Monday, January 28, 2019

Release Blitz for Knights Fury by Bella Jewel.

Title: Knights Fury
Series: Rumblin' Knights #2
Author: Bella Jewel
Genre: Romance
Release Date: January 28, 2019


My name is Finn.
The broken one.
The one everyone worries about.
The one who will probably never have it together.
I’m the quiet one.
My eyes don’t smile.
My heart doesn’t love.
I was hurt the most.
I’ll never recover.
Those are their words.
They aren’t mine.
The truth is, nobody really knows who I am.
Not a damned soul.
And they probably never will.
Because I’m tired of people feeling sorry for me.
I’m tired of living under the Knight command.
Keeping the reputation.
Maybe, just maybe, I’d like to be something else.
Because, screw the Knight name.
It means nothing to me.
But her…well, she might just mean something to me.
My name is Finn.
I guess you’ll just have to read this one to know my story.
My true story.

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Author Bio

Bella Jewel is a self published, USA Today bestselling author. She’s been publishing since 2013. Her first release was a contemporary romance, Hell’s Knights which topped the charts upon release. Since that time, she has published over five novels, gaining a bestseller status on numerous platforms. She lives in North Queensland and is currently studying editing and proofreading to further expand her career. Bella has been writing since she was just shy of fifteen years old. In Summer 2013 she was offered an ebook deal through Montlake Romance for her bestselling modern day pirate series, Enslaved By The Ocean. She plans to expand her writing career, planning many new releases for the future.

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