Friday, August 17, 2018

Trailer Reveal for One Taste by K.A. Berg & T.E. Black.

Title: One Taste
Series: The "One" Series #1
Authors: K.A. Berg & T.E. Black
Genre: Erotic Romance
 Release Date: September 14, 2018


"From K.A. Berg and T.E. Black comes a story of the forbidden desire—a story so delicious you'll need more than One Taste.”

I live the good life. I'm wealthy, the CEO of the advertising firm my father built from the ground up. I've been deemed a god in the sheets by the female population of New York City and have the equipment to match. Life is great.
Until my social life messes with my professional life. I've become a frequent flyer on the gossip pages. A detriment to business. Just as my perfect life is starting to crash down around me, I meet her.
All I wanted was one taste.
Now, I’m addicted. 
One taste doesn't seem to be enough. 
I need more of her.
Too bad, too, because things are about to get real complicated.

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K.A. Berg

By day, Kimberly is a full-time student as well stay at home mom with four beautiful, crazy children. At night she’s steaming hot novelist. She’s a Jersey girl at heart and that's where she currently calls home with her amazing husband and children. 
Her debut release Inhibitions and the subsequent Uninhibited Series as well as the spin-off Apprehensive Duet both show her love of all things football. But not to worry, she'll still bring you plenty of steam!
When not writing she can be found curled up with a good book or watching her beloved New York Jets. Lover all things romance, including a little M/M action as well as the dark and twisted. She enjoys video chats with her best friends and always loves to hear from her fans on social media. 

T.E. Black

New Adult and Contemporary Romance author, T.E. Black, also known as Tiffany, is never without a book in her hand. Whether she’s reading the newest release from a fellow author, or proofreading one of her own drafts, she’s always keeping busy.
Tiffany writes about imperfect heroes and strong-willed heroines.  While, her heroines are known for going to head to head with the men in her stories, the heroes she writes always have that special touch of alpha.
When she’s not immersed in the literary world, Tiffany makes use of her time by being a full-time graphic designer for T.E. Black Designs, a company she owns and operates, creating book covers, teasers, banners, and swag for other authors and herself.

Love it, like it, or hate it, Tiffany loves hearing from her fans! Feel free to connect with her!


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