Sunday, February 11, 2018

Release Blitz for The Sweetest Package by Leigh Lennon.

Title: The Sweetest Package
Series: Jake Davis Novella #2
Author: Leigh Lennon
Genre: Romantic Suspense
Release Date: February 10, 2018


Eight days was all we had.
It was supposed to be casual; just sex.
Hell, the best laid plans were blown to pieces
as I found myself watching my heart drive away.
Sure, I let her go, but I’ve not been the same since she’s been gone.

How can my heart beat so differently for a man I knew only for eight days?
He let me go. Sure, I could have stuck around to fight for him.
I should have. Hell, I wanted to.
But then I understood what true love really means and I had to choose.
Now I am back, immersed in his life.
Can he accept everything I’ve done in the name of love?

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I can’t say he looks surprised that I’m standing motionless on his front porch. It’s funny, in the ten days I had been here, I’ve never once used this entrance. My expression is blank but his is certainly not. With a small smile covering the scruff that has sprung up since I left, he extends his hand for me to shake it. All I want to do is deck him, but I can’t, not until I hear him out.
“I had a feeling I would see you again,” he says, putting down his hand, as it’s apparent I won’t be shaking it, not yet. Stepping out of the way, he motions me in. “You better come on in. This may take a while, Jake,” he plainly states, knowing what I need.
I look over my right shoulder and see a fucking iguana. I had hoped the next time I was here it would be with Sasha by my side. This time I need only one room, instead of two like we had a few days ago. Shit, how my life has imploded in two days.
I have never been in the front part of his house before and it’s still adorned with Christmas decorations. Leading me to the back of the house that looks out to the veranda and the pool I have fond memories of, I turn to him. “You wanted to tell me, didn’t you, Mack?”
Shoving his hands into the pockets of his faded blue jeans, he shrugs. “After the two of you got back from the Grand Caymans last week, when I met you down at the pool, I had it in my mind I would tell you. Then you told me you wanted more with her. I couldn’t take a chance telling you. If you were on the cusp of revealing your true feelings to her and what you wanted, it would ruin any future the two of you had.”
“So, you just let Sylvie manipulate you, with no regard for me?”
He looks away and I know I’ve hit a cord. “What does she have on you, Mack?” Looking away again, this is all I need to understand, she has used him. “What the fuck could be more important than using an innocent woman like Sasha against me, making me fall for her, just to do Sylvie’s bidding?” I’m now yelling and he still has not faced me. He avoids looking at me eye to eye, man to man.
Out of nowhere, the door opens and I hear the familiar voice of Mack’s better half, “Me, Jake. She has me, that’s what she’s using against Mack.” Turning, I see the long and lean figure of Mack’s wife, Anna, sobbing as she continues to explain.

Also Available

Ten days.
The Cayman Islands.
A holiday trip to forget the woman I lost.
Suddenly, I’m face to face with the sassiest and hardest of women, who may be able to make me forget all I left behind.
And I want her!
This vacation is about moving on.
The saucy little ginger flaunting her perfect curvy body in her next to nothing bikinis can be the distraction I need to forget it all.
Her fire and brimstone attitude leaves me in constant arousal.
And she proposes a holiday affair, one I gladly accept knowing this is a hell of a risk to my already floundering heart.
But in the end, will I be able to say goodbye?

99c for a limited time


Free in Kindle Unlimited

The Holiday Package Excerpt

Now, we sit in silence as I continue to feel her observation fall upon me, over and over again, while she doesn’t hide the fact she’s looking at me up and down like I am a mannequin.

Finally, being direct, I say, “Um, is there something I can help you with?”

Taking a sip of my coffee, I’m expecting her to sidestep but no, I should understand her candidness at this point, as she says, “I was just thinking what it would be like to fuck you.” My coffee makes its way out of my mouth. It would get all tens if this were a spitting contest.

“Oh, I shocked you?” she asks, almost timidly but with the little cocky smirk that is both behind her mouth, and moving up to those caramel-amber eyes of hers, she’s not attempting to be shy, not in the least.

“So, tell me,” I begin. “What have you come up with?” I ask.

Pursing her lips together, Sasha finally answers. “Um, let me really imagine this in my mind as I describe it. First, you have a long dick, like super long. It is thick and will fill me up just fine.” Instantaneously, my super long dick she’s describing aches. “Next, I would say you love pussy. However, mine is incredibly delectable.” Fuck, I try not to moan. “Next, I imagine you holding yourself up with one hand while you’re over me, licking my pussy, bringing me to a really good orgasm, all while you jerk yourself off. And by the way, if I had to guess, you’re really good with your tongue.”

I smile because I’ve been told this on many occasions but at the same time, my balls ache. She doesn’t say anything and I realize she’s finished. I respond, “I think that is a possible scenario.”

Standing up, she gives me a throaty little laugh. “Who knows, this may just be a long ten days.” She winks then leaves me aching in pain when she retreats to her bedroom.

Ah, fuck! This woman might be the death of me.

Author Bio

Leigh Lennon is mother, veteran and a wife of a cancer survivor. Originally with a degree in education, she started writing as an outlet that has led to a deep passion. She lugs her computer with her as she crafts her next story. Her imaginary friends become real on her pages as she creates a world for them. She loves pretty nails, spikey hair and large earrings. Leigh can be found drinking coffee or wine, depending on the time of the day.

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