Friday, March 3, 2017

Promo Tour: Surrendering by Michelle Horst

Title: Surrendering
Author: Michelle Horst
Genre: Second Chance Romance
Available on Kindle Unlimited
Liam Wright is the playboy at college. He’s part of the screw-crew.

It’s better to stay away from him, but you can’t tell your heart what to want.
He’ll judge me. 
He won’t understand.
It’s easy to judge someone because of their past. I’m scared Liam will be just like all the other people.
But he doesn’t judge me. He comes into my life and refuses to leave. He doesn’t give up on me. 
He helps me accept the guilt that lives inside of me, because it also lives inside of him. 
We’re both damaged by the past.
We’re both looking for someone who will understand.
We’re both looking for someone we can surrender to.
But it’s hard surrendering all your broken pieces.
“Some feathers will fall along the way, but new ones will always grow back. It doesn’t make the old feathers less important because they kept you flying for so long – they kept you alive.”

International bestselling author of Predator, The Monster Series and many others. She loves writing anything from Young Adult to Suspense Romance.


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