Monday, February 27, 2017

Release Blitz for The Protector by Celia Aaron.

Title: Dark Protector
Author: Celia Aaron
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: February 27, 2017


From the moment I saw her through the window of her flower shop, something other than darkness took root inside me. Charlie shone like a beacon in a world that had long since lost any light. But she was never meant for me, a man that killed without remorse and collected bounties drenched in blood.

I thought staying away would keep her safe, would shield her from me. I was wrong. Danger followed in my wake like death at a slaughter house. I protected her from the threats that circled like black buzzards, kept her safe with kill after kill.

But everything comes with a price, especially second chances for a man like me.

Killing for her was easy. It was living for her that turned out to be the hard part.

Author's Note: This is a full-length romance novel. Explicit violence and hot sex included. HEA, no cheating.

Purchase Links

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Dark Protector by Celia Aaron 
"I need a sexy obsessive hitman to kidnap me too! I'm next I call dibs."
A review for BookHookers BookBlog 
By A. BookHooker 
5 I want this to happen to me stars.

Conrad is a hitman and he secretly stalks and obsesses over a florist. The Florist, Charlie, witnesses an attempt on Conrad's life and sees him kill the assassin.
Charlie the Florist is then then kidnapped, which forces Conrad to adapt from secret stalker to rescuer. Being who he is this beast doesn't stop there...oh no, he's Keeping Her. 
This book falls into certain niche categories, insta-love and anti-hero. Anti-hero, i.e., the obsessed stalker-hitman as the lead hero. A man who happens to kill for a living, work for the mob, you know, the anti-hero. The bad guy our society tells us logically is not hero material, but certain parts of our bodies just won't agree. 
Charlie knows she is completely out of her element, and this guy is a murderer; but she's also completely attracted and enamored. Hence the insta-love. An innate part of her being recognized this brutal man as the one she should submit to. 
Here's the part I loved best, Conrad can sense her reluctance to really trust him and so he gives her countless orgasms, but won't penetrate her. It's sexy. Beyond sexy! When she finally does trust him? Bring on one of my all time favorite sex scenes ever. He seduces her with his touch and begins to recount all the ways he's killed. It's dark, twisted, perverse and HOT. It's a win-win for me as a reader. Insta-love and a dark hero. 
The hero had a best friend, a fellow mafia hitman and dark comedian, who's story I would love to read if that's an option in the future. I highly recommend this story as well as this author.

Author Bio

Celia Aaron is a recovering attorney who loves romance and erotic fiction. Dark to light, angsty to funny, real to fantasy—if it’s hot and strikes her fancy, she writes it. Thanks for reading.

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