Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Release Blitz for The Predator Part One by Brooke May.

Title: The Predator Part One
Author: Brooke May
Genre: Romance
Release Date: December 13, 2016


I spent most of my life a disappointment, unwanted, and unloved. That is how I knew life to be until a low whistle pulled everything I knew upside down and inside out.

Chamberlain Lawrence was a man any woman would dream of. He was kind, sweet, and saw me for something no one else had ever seen before. Or so I thought. I fell for him hard and fast. I thought what we had was real and could last a lifetime. I thought what we had was a type of fighting love, one of such love we would last forever.

I should have paid closer attention to the signs around me. Chamberlain was too handsome, too charming, and too perfect to ever really want something like forever with a girl like me. Just as fast as I feel for him, I burned up faster. I'm left alone in life again with a broken heart, but a strong will to survive on my own.

No one ever said a Predator could love.

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I move around to all the ones who need help with their posture before coming back to the front to do the turn again with them. When we finish, I smile at all of them. “You girls are doing beautifully. I’m so very proud of you.” I praise and turn to the parents who are watching with a warm smile.

My hands still in front of me and my smile vanishes when I lock on a set of eyes that don’t belong to any of the parents.

The dead weight of my arms drops to my sides as Chamberlain’s blue eyes pierce into my soul. No one is paying us any mind as the girls do more turns for their parents. Our gaze is locked, making my mouth and lips go dry. Slowly, I swallow then wet my lips with my tongue. Chamberlain’s arms are braced above his head by the window flexing, and his eyes drop to my mouth as his own opens slightly.

“Miss Cunningham!” One of the girls calls my attention, breaking the spell. It must have done the same for Chamberlain because he quickly shakes his head and stalks off.

Frowning in confusion, I recover and return my focus to my class. “How about a few more turns and then we do our stretches? After that, we will be done.” I smile sweetly at their excitement and get back to work.

After class, I move my things back to the closet and greet the next dance instructor. I button my coat and head to the front of the building. It will feel good to cool down after being in there for four and a half hours.

I’m shuffling for my keys when a voice pulls my head up. “Well, hello there, lil’ bit.” I glance to my right, finding the guy I flipped over my back yesterday.

“My name is K.C.,” I say defensively and then change my tone. I owe him an apology. “I’m sorry for what I did yesterday, you … frightened me.”

He laughs, extending his hand. “Scott, nice to meet you, K.C. And don’t worry about it. Even if it was embarrassing to have a little thing like you throw me over your shoulder, it was a good laugh. No harm.” I nod just as his phone chimes, indicating he has a message. He looks down at it and shakes his head. “It was nice meeting the girl who has my buddy in knots after a quick look and a few words. See ya around, K.C.” He waves and jogs off back into the interior of the center before I can question him.

In knots?

“Yeah, you … too.” I give a weak wave, confused.

What did he mean by that?

Certainly, I’m not the type of girl who could have any man in knots.

For the second time in as many days, I leave the rec center confused. Trying my best to shake it off, I head to the university for my classes.

(c) Brooke May, 2016

 Author Bio

Born and raised in Northern Wyoming, Brooke spent a great deal of her childhood and well into her adulthood in her imagination and creating different stories.

A busy mother of two growing boys and a wife, she spends most of time her outdoors and in her beloved BigHorn Mountains; fishing, four-wheeling, hunting, hiking, or camping. She usually has a notebook by her side at all times never knowing when inspiration will hit, as well as her camera.

She published her first book February of last year, My Cowboy, the second, Faith in My Cowboy, in September of last year, and the third, Loved by My Cowboy, this past May. Her newest, The Predator Part One, is something she has dreamed of and finally has it ready to be read.

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